Oh, Hey There!
I’m July Bean, also known as Julie (Dean) Cahill.
I founded July Bean as a channel for my passion for creativity and spreading as much joy as possible!
There are multiple sides to this prism.
We’ve got branding and design,
Enneagram and presentation workshops,
And a shop with irreverent and quirky apparel and goods!
And the throughline is that every single output from July Bean comes from a place of love and creation.
Our Roots
July Bean was born from a search for more…
More creativity and play; less adherence to structures that were designed for the masses but may not feel like your place.
More connection; less isolation.
More doors open to possibility; less focus on a singular path.
More questions asked; less assumptions made.
More “yes and…”; less “but what about…”
More embracing all beautiful sides of humanity; less boxes and singular labels.
More “what if?”; less “not now.”
Simply stated, more joy and creativity; less worry and doubt!
But What Does the Name Mean?
It all started with a girl and a mislabeled suitcase.
During my senior year of high school, I was one of eight baton twirlers who served as performance ambassadors for the Festival Internacional de la Primavera in Trujillo, Peru. (Which was just as crazy and cool as it sounds!)
Upon arrival, all of our belongings were labeled with our names. When I went to fetch my things, instead of finding Julie Dean, my bags were marked with July Bean.
When recounting the story to friends and family, the gaffe ended up spawning several nicknames I still answer to, including July Bean.
This story connects me back to a time when everything felt possible (it still does! it still is!) and to find happiness in the imperfect and unplanned.
Official artist rendering of the Peruvian suitcases